Sasha Toli

(b. 2000, Narni - Italy)

He lives and works in Otricoli, Italy. Studying at the Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino he’s fascinated by the way in which the pictorial morphology manages to assume a “hierofanic” function, a revealing function, and that as Paul Klee argued does not want to render the visible, but to make visible.

The artwork, sometimes considered in contemporary times as numinous ‘object’, is animated by a free creative activity, this allows the influences of the artist to converge in the tragicomic tension, necessary for the work to be solved. His interest in the natural world, led him to learn about the history of psychedelic plants and mushrooms, increasing his fascination for mysticism and the sacred alongside with music and pop culture.


Available Artworks

Fuga in Egitto (Flight into Egypt)

50 x 40 cm

Oil on canvas