
Sasha Toli

14.09.24 - 30.10.2024

Catastrofe is the first solo exhibition by Sasha Toli for THEPÒSITO Art Space. The title of the exhibition, "Catastrophe," recalls the culmination of ancient tragedy, that exact moment when the protagonist is forced to face the deepest and most painful truth and only through this change, the catharsis, can they reach a new awareness. This process of destruction and rebirth is the core of the works exhibited by the artist from Umbria, each work is a portal to an inner revelation, a guide in a path of self-revelation and analysis.

The artistic research related to the exhibition is a mystical and complex journey. Sasha Toli’s production manages to interconnect a peculiar Mesoamerican iconography and a Flemish figuration of the detail that directly recalls the painting of Hieronymus Bosch.

Press release IT

Press release EN

Inquire artworks

Exhibition portfolio IT

Photo credit Tanita Gennari


Sasha Toli

(b. 2000, Narni - Italy)

He lives and works in Otricoli, Italy. Studying at the Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino he’s fascinated by the way in which the pictorial morphology manages to assume a “hierofanic” function, a revealing function. The artwork, sometimes considered in contemporary times as numinous ‘object’, is animated by a free creative activity, this allows the influences of the artist to converge in the tragicomic tension, necessary for the work to be solved.


Plot twist



-1hp, -1hp, -1hp…



I fumi delle giostre (Fumes from the rides)



Il Roveto ardente (The Burning bush)

