Chiara Ventura
(b. 1997, Verona - Italy)
She lives and works between Verona and Venezia. Her work is genuinely existential, where biography becomes a feature. Her paintings, always on the edge between figuration and abstraction, embody the macro-themes present in her sculptural, conceptual, and performative works. The analysis of the body, and the relationships and reactions it has with the psyche, emotionality, and the Other, has been the starting point for the development of a practice, predominantly performative, in which the uncomfortable and unprotected point, for the doer and the viewer, is the focus of attention. Ventura investigates and denounces the most devious aspects of contemporary forms of violence and is interested in the political aspects of human behaviour.
In 2020, she co-founded plurale, a concept that takes shape in collective art-making, a dynamic where the individual artist merges into a common perspective, a Zen practice of ego decentering. In 2022, it published Empathic gesture (Manifesto) and has activated a transfeminist practice, observing sexuality and pleasure as political spaces. Furthermore, plurale is interested in youth culture, particularly studying the phenomenon of Italian trap music, analyzing the sociocultural issues related to new generations.
Chiara Ventura has performed and exhibited at museums, foundations, galleries, and independent spaces, including Mart – Galleria Civica di Trento (Trento), Tenuta Dello Scompiglio (Lucca), Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation (Venice), Viafarini (Milan), Villa Rondinelli (Fiesole), Galleria ME Vannucci (Pistoia), TAI – Tuscan Art Industry (Prato), GATE26A (Modena), Spazio In Situ (Rome), Spazio Cordis (Verona).
Available artworks
Series: Sistemi (2021)
system ● s. m. [from lat. systema, gr. σύστημα, propr. ‘meeting, complex’ der. of συνίστημι ‘to put together, to bring together’] (pl. -i). - 1. In the scientific sphere, any object of study which, although consisting of several elements mutually interconnected and interacting with each other or with the external environment, reacts or evolves as a whole, with its own general laws [...]
Once again I painted and once again I found a living system, plural, a double that originates itself and originates in its turn. There’s the opposite, the contrary, the other side, the Other... a cohabitation... of romance.
It looks like me.