Chiara Ventura

(b. 1997, Verona - Italy)

She lives and works between Verona and Venezia. Her work is purely existential, the biography becomes figure. In Ventura’s work the paintings, always at the limit between figure and abstraction, embody the macro-themes of his plastic, conceptual and performative works. The analysis on the body, on the relationships and reactions this has with the psyche, emotions and the Other, was the starting point for the development of her ‘practice’, mainly performative, where the uncomfortable and the unprotected is the main research focus, for the performer and for those who are watching as well.

The artist investigates and denounces the most subtle aspects of contemporary forms of violence and she’s deeply interested in the political aspects of human behavior. In 2020, together with Leonardo Avesani and Giulio Ancona, is the co-founder of ‘plurale’, a collective form of presence in the world.

Available artworks

Series: Sistemi (2021)

system ● s. m. [from lat. systema, gr. σύστημα, propr. ‘meeting, complex’ der. of συνίστημι ‘to put together, to bring together’] (pl. -i). - 1. In the scientific sphere, any object of study which, although consisting of several elements mutually interconnected and interacting with each other or with the external environment, reacts or evolves as a whole, with its own general laws [...]

Once again I painted and once again I found a living system, plural, a double that originates itself and originates in its turn. There’s the opposite, the contrary, the other side, the Other... a cohabitation... of romance.

It looks like me.